Judah vom Boeselager, CGC, FO, OB1, P1
A HUGE Congratulations to Michelle and Judah!!!! They make such a Great team together. We expect more to come from this Amazing team!!!! Judah received his P1 title on 12-10-2017.
Judah is from our "J" litter out of our girl Naya (Full DDR import) and an outside stud SG Ali von den Schwedenschanzen, SchH1, KKL1 (Full DDR import). This was a repeat breeding.
If you have a Boeselager puppy/dog and you would like to have him/her added to our Boeselager Brags page, they will need to have certificates for passing any type of classes, received titles of any kind, have their OFA/SV for passing hips/elbows and/or DM testing. All you have to do is send us an updated picture of your puppy/dog and picture's of your titles/certificates, etc, and they will be added.
Judah vom Boeselager, CGC, FO, OB1
Congratulations to Michelle and Judah for their SDA OB1 title that they received on 7-15-17. So Proud of this Amazing team ;-)
Judah is from our "J" litter out of our girl Naya (Full DDR import) and an outside stud SG Ali von den Schwedenschanzen, SchH1, KKL1 (Full DDR import). This was a repeat breeding.
Judah vom Boeselager, CGC, FO
Congratulations to Michelle and Judah on their FO title that they received on 11-4-16. More to come from this Awesome team!!!!!
Judah is from our "J" litter out of our girl Naya (Full DDR import) and an outside stud SG Ali von den Schwedenschanzen, SchH1, KKL1 (Full DDR import). This was a repeat breeding.
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