And a spirit of a German Shepherd dog lay at my feet. He looked at me with kind dark eyes, ancient wisdom shining through, and in the essence of his being his love shone clear and true. His mind did lock upon my heart as I stood there that day, and he told me of his story about a place so far away. His take did put my heart at ease, my fears did fade away. About what lay ahead of me on another distant day. "I live among God's creatures now in the heavens of your mind. So do not grieve for me my friend for I am with my kind. My boundaries are Milky Way where I sparkle from afar. There are no pens or kennels here, and I am not confined, but free to roam God's heavens among my Shepherd kind. I nap the day on a snowy cloud, gentle breezes rocking me, and dream the dream of earthlings and how it used to be. The trees are full of liver treats and tennis balls abound, and milkbones line the walkways just waiting to be found. There even is a ring setup, the grass all lush and green, and everyone who gaits around becomes the Best of Breed. For were all winners in this place, we have no faults you see, and God passes out those ribbons to each one, even me. I drink from waters laced with gold, my world a beauty to behold, and wise old dogs do form my pride to amble at my very side. At night, I sleep in an angel's arms, her wings protecting me, and moonbeams dance about us as stardust falls on thee. So when your life on earth is spent, and you stand at Heaven's gate, have no fear of loneliness for here you know I wait."
I am very proud to say that Layla von Boeselager was the foundation for Boeselager Kennels. Layla was an East German DDR Line, and West working Line German Shepherd. She was an awesome dog, and our personal protection/family companion. She will always be loved, and forever missed. She is a family member that will be in our hearts forever.
I love you and will forever miss you, my pretty little girl!!!
December 1, 1999 - March 1, 2007
Neko and I are waiting for his turn in the AKC dog show. Neko was our first German Shepherd that we have ever owned. Thanks to him we have fallen in love with this breed. Neko has taught me so many things, that I could never repay him for. We got our CD in AKC, and we also got our BH title in schutzhund. I will see you on the other side when it is my time You are forever in my heart.. I love you my Neko Reko. Rest in peace my pretty boy!!
August 6, 1993 - July 8, 2003
This is my Pretty Princess Purr Kitty. She was my first kitty and my best most loving one. I lost her on February 14, 2008 at 14 yrs old. She always helped me through my migraines by purring nonstop until I was able to fall asleep.. Even when I woke up, I woke up to her purring. I will forever miss you my Pretty Princess Purr Kitty. My love, My Heart.
July 1994 - February 14, 2008
Copyright © 2006-2025~~Boeselager Kennel. All photo's, logos and text are the copywritten property of Boeselager Kennels. All Rights Reserved. If copied in any way without handwritten permission by Boeselager German Shepherds, we will take legal action.
This is Cierra, my beautiful golden girl. She is a very loving and affectionate girl. She is 50% West show lines, and 50% West working lines. Cierra absolutely loves all and any puppies. We had to say goodbye to our beautiful golden girl on Novemeber 15, 2010. She would have been 13 years old on November 23, 2010. I lost a piece of my heart when I lost you my beautiful girl. You will Forever be Missed and in our hearts. Rest in Peace my beautiful girl.
November 23, 1997 - November 15, 2010.
When a pet dies,
That special, warm place in our hearts suddenly becomes empty...
It will take time to get over the loss...
But we realize, as time passes, that animals have a way of teaching us about Loving, about Loyalty, Joy, and Friendship...
And whatever we've shared in their presence can Never really be lost.
Author Unknown
This is my boy Socky. It has taken me weeks to be able to put him up on our Rainbow Bridge page. I felt like my heart was ripped out from my chest. I lost Socky when he was just over 2 1/2 yrs old. Never did I think I would get blessed with another cat that was my soul kitty..... He would come when I called him, sit on my lap purring. He would stare into my eyes like he was talking to me and he would touch his nose to mine as he stared into my eyes. Love Socky more than words can say and I miss him with all my heart and soul. Our vet said that he had a heart condition that is very common in young male cats. Socky and I had a bond like no other. I will always treasure our tight bond that we had and I will never forget you. I love and miss you always and forever Socky, until we meet again my love. May 2012 - February 19, 2015
Tye with his buddy Eeyore
Tye with Moo Moo Pie at 3 weeks old
Tye with Moo Moo Pie at 3 weeks old
It has taken me a month to be able to put my boy Tye up here. My heart was shattered on June 8th, 2015 when I had to say goodbye to my baby boy Tye. I pulled him from a kill shelter just before they were going to put him down. He was around 2yrs old. I do not know his exact birth date but when I had to say goodbye to him he was 13 yrs old. A month earlier they had found a tumor in his chest but that is not what took him. I had someone watch him for me while I did errands and during that time he blew his knee out and that is when I ended up having to say goodbye to him. Tye was a Pit Bull/Lab mix and he was an Amazing, Loyal and Protective boy!!!! There are no words for me to say how much I love him and miss him.... As you can see in the picture's, he Loved his kittens. He helped me find Moo Moo Pie in the woods at 9 at night b/c her mother abandoned her when she was only 3 weeks old. Tye really showed me and taught me a lot. Love him so very, very much!!! until we meet again my Handsome man. June 8, 2015
Bailey Sue comforting Tye, not knowing that this was her last day with him, so she made sure she had some cuddle time with him.
It has taken me a few day's to be able to write this. My heart is once again shattered on July 7, 2016. Baily Sue's mouth was hurting so I thought all she needed was a teeth cleaning and maybe some removed. Only to find out that I had to make the horrible decision to have to say goodbye to her forever. She developed a tumor (cancer, sarcoma) under her tongue which also went on both sides of her bottom jaw. There was no way of operating on it. I guess you can say I was a bit blind sided by it all and broke down crying. I told her before we left for the appointment as well as driving there that her pain will be gone not knowing that I was going home with out her and will never see her again. Bailey Sue would have been 15 years old September 3. I adopted her from a shelter when she was just 3 months old. She is a Siamese mix, so she had the beautiful blue eyes and of course she was a talker too. The household is very quiet now and I will never hear her talking to me again. I know all of your fur coated friends/family were waiting for you. You are no longer in pain and I will miss you with all of my heart. Love you so much!!!! Rest in Peace my blue eyed Beauty. Till we meet again Bailey Sue....... September 3, 2001- July 7, 2016
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